Jan. 20th, 2007 at 6:44 PM
( there are joined here 2 Blogs............scroll down to All evil in the World to Armageddon...do not know how this happened...God Bless you
I will tell you of my prophetic words & visions leading to last days. First filling you in on What God has in the past told me & shown to me, so you can clearly SEE ;YES , God does speak & YES it comes to pass.
******Back in my early 30's as I would fall asleep at night, I would hear seemed like millions of babies crying in the woods and; I could never find them. It was so heart breaking to me, after a month of this I prayed to God to please take the night vision away and He did.
****** In the year 2,000 I saw and; heard a vision of 911 , one year to the day before it happened, and all I could do was pray, at that same time,
****** God told me,((( all the babies I heard crying in the woods were millions of murdered unborn babies in their mother's wombs, and now the revelation how they are all in heaven and have learned about Jesus' Crucifixion and; they Love and; worship Him,These babies take up the space of a SKY!! ****The Devil can kill the body but not the soul. These babies grow up , they do not remain as babies.(everybody appears as they are all age 30/and When Christ will come for us, He brings with Him all the Saints gone on before us, the babies are also part of His Body .The Bride,the Church,Will come with Him also !!!
I am first telling words/visions/words of revelations first,before Last day words,so you can see how God does speak and; how what He says does come to be. Lev.17:11 Life is in the Blood.
........Lev.18:1-27 sacrifice of babies is nothing new, and an abomination to God, millions of babies are killed in the USA ea year,Their Blood has defiled the land and cries out to God.Psalm127:3.all children are a heritage of the Lord..........Ex.21:22 if anyone causes the fruit of the womb to depart (life for life)it is a living Soul recognized by God.
In 1996 ,in a Night Vision;God spoke into my spirit all night long,what to say in church the next day.gave to me a Guy sitting to my right(center row)3 pews down and; a song Hosannah,when the church sang Hosannah,HolySpirit said, speak it now,as the Pastor entered the platform I stood up and; spoke the Word as God has instructed me to do, saying to Harvest Temple Church in Largo,Fla,Pastor Dale Denham;
(Word) God said,many miracles will take place right here in this church,many people will come here from everywhere , there will be so many people, you will have to enlarge the church, a House of Prayer was called for, God said, He was placing healing in his hands, as I said those words , his hands glowed gold.(the guy He gave to me to my R (ctr. row,turned and looked at me, and; I sat down!!).( I guess,otherwise,I would have gone on into a preach mode!!God knows us better then we know ourselves
....3 years later;God said, call and; check on the Word, so I did, and all had been fulfilled,many miracles,enlarged church,International House of Prayer and; I went down to see for my self and; saw the prophecy in action and that day Pastor Denham was leaving to go to a healing seminar.
...............Jesus and; I were standing in Largo,Fla.facing North(night vision)3 balls fell from heaven,1st NE from us,2nd NW from usstood, the 3rd almost hit me, and landed a little SW from where we stood.Long stories short...There were3 Major storms in Florida exactly where the 3 balls had fallen,and many died in those storms, the one that almost hit me, was 2 streets behind me to the W.a lot of destruction(in a night vision;
.........prior to this one,an angel was squeezing my head so hard, I partly awoke,as I did, I knew to move my arm as a huge black demon passed from me and; right on out of the house(I knew in my spirit the demon had possessed me when I had gone to a psychic after my son had died, when you consult the dead ask of the dead, you will be possessed ( called having a familiar spirit as I fell back to sleep, the angel kept saying over *and; over Don't go to Florida I moved and figured because I had moved, the warning no longer applied, so we were packed and; going to Fla.******* in a Night Vision, God came and; spoke into my spirit to read Psalm 137 (all about tears,grief , it was apparent God did not want me to go to Fla, and I ignored His warnings and; went anyway............Nothing was the same ,and we were sorry we went...I even grieved that things had changed so.
....... Then coming back from Florida,95N in S Carolina, the car overheated. We were in the outside lane going 65mph, needle all the way to the top,no steering wheel,no brakes,no gas pedal; I cried GOD help us(my elderly friend and; young grandson)to get off the highway so we will be safe. I just turned into the inside lane(pretty good huh, w. the wheel frozen !!)continued along at 65 mph for a long way, if you know S Carolina, exits are few and; far (especially,when you need one. After a while , finally an exit, and I turned off at 65mph I saw a stop sign and; a lot of speeding traffic,I cried GOD LOOK, A STOP SIGN....... and; lots of traffic. The car came to a sudden STOP right at the stop sign. The car was DEAD.
you can see by this story, always listen to the voice of the Lord, don't be defiant. He warns us for a reason. Another time coming back from Fla. my Step Dad had died,My grandson was up here with his mother, I was alone, just me and; my dog..God spoke to me saying,register your car down here and pay your insurance here, I said "NO" I want everything NY, I hated Fla and; wanted no part of it which meant no Fla registration or insurance !!!WELL< class="snap_shots" href="http://journals.aol.com/lady4immanuel/lady4thegrIAMafterlife.com/">http://journals.aol.com/lady4immanuel/lady4thegrIAMafterlife.com/ (My AIM profile page is Lady4Emmanueljournals @aol.com / ........http:www.greatestjournal.com/~lady4the griam/ also http://journals.aol.com/lady4emmanuel/God andeternallifeaol.com/ or http://journals.aol.com/lady4emmanuel/Godandeternallife.aolcom/ http://journals.aol.com/lady4emmanuel/lastdays.aol.com/ You can e-mail me JoanLady777@Yahoo.com or Lady4emmanuel@aol.com Let's talk!!! I will be very happy to answer your questions & help in anyway that I can.
Ahmadnejad ,the leader of Iran , said, he is under divine command from allah to bring about the end time war ,to hasten the coming of THEIR MESSIAH, who will destroy us & Israel (all who will not convert to Islam)and will save them....BE AWARE HERE........they want to be in control of the entire World, You have heard of One world Religion?(last days) One world Govt. (last days)(He says this will happen the end of March) BEWARE of last days leading to ARMAGEDDON, do not be left behind, do NOT be caught DEAD with out Christ as your Savior. Israel is looking for her Messiah(not Jesus) but another Messiah, so they too will be deceived by Anti Christ.and there is a Messianic presence in Iran!!!!!! ( THINK) ........Pray for Israel ,we know 144,000 will be saved during Great Tribulation(after we are gone (The Church,Bride)1Thess.4:16,17 & Rev.3:10 these are not just saved out of Israel alone, NOW I want you to SEE with your spiritual eyes,not to look at the physical.........SEE, do not just observe the physical........God says in His Word, many are in israel and are not of Israel or are not Israel,,,,,now lets examine Rom.2:28,29 a True Jew is one inwardly & not outwardly!!!circumcision is of the HEART and not of the flesh(Born again Bible believing Christians abiding in Christ , have crucified their flesh(dying to all lusts & desires of the flesh ,dead to this world alive unto God in Christ......(True Jews inwardly)I am pointing out the spirutal Word of God to you.,so you can SEE & not OBSERVE. Just look w. your physical eyes.SO you can see Israel belongs to God in Christ Jesus!!! same as Physical jerusalem is in bondage to the Law while New Jerusalem from above (2peter3:3-13 )and Rev.21&22;which is spiritual not Physical. Same as the Law became spirutal (new covenant written in our hearts & minds)born again believers in Christ. Same as the old test Temple is physical, while the new Test Temple is all born again believers in Christ 1Cor.3:16 we are the temple of God & He dwells in us.....The temple will be rebuilt....BUT it is for an end time sign............ALL who will come to believe & receive Jesus Christ , will be saved.Out of all nations ( sinners are (THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL), which are Gentiles, lost sinners in this World without Christ,EVERYWHERE.(ISRAEL IS GOD'S TIME CLOCK!!EVERYTHING SPOKEN BY GOD HAPPENS THERE 1ST AND FOR A SIGN!!!!SPIRITUAL SIGN A SPIRITUAL REVELATION HERE.(all who will come to believe & be born again in Christ John3:3 & Eph.1:7 & Rev.3:20 will be saved EVERYWHERE!! Look at 1Peter2:SEE v.9 WE are a Chosen Generation, a royal Priesthood,a Holy Nation,we offer up sacrifices of praise for He has brought us out of darkmess into the LIGHT of HIS SON,Jesus Christ. This is to get your eyes off the physical , unto SOULS (Life) unto Christ, unto the Spiritual and NOT the Physical. ********* In a Night Vision Christmas Eve '06 , was an angel bowing down towards our convoy going into Iraq,arms outstreatched towards the convoy & he was crying so hard his face was all squenched up,as I woke up, I felt all this sadness, & I was crying,it was so bad I inquired of God,WHAT DID THE VISION MEAN? What came up from my Spirit (STOP ,GO BACK, YOU ALREADY HAVE GONE TOO FAR.) GOD BROUGHT TO MY MEMORY THOUSANDS RUNNING ON FIRE,SKIN FALLING OFF ( NUCLEAR) SO IN MY SPIRIT , I feel as we go into Iraq, our guys may meet up w, Nuclear Holocoust. ***God has pointed out to me, things are changing for our nation...There is a presence in our nation who will cause gay marriages to be allowed, allow Partial Birth abortion, and open up the boarders.We are Living in dangerous times I TELL YOU,GOD said, and the World will be in SHOCK..............any more men going to Iraq is suicide, we never ignore angelic warnings. THE OUTCOME IS DEEPLY SORROWFUL.(The Vision was Black & White(Not Good) and was lit up White(Not Good & a sure true vision) God said, Syria is a snake,Russia the head, the Arab nations , the body, that there lies the abyss*****Israel is MORE then Prepared, Iran does not know if she is or not & just is not sure what to do or not to do.....................God is in Control..............Israel will strike Iran, Even the EU is in danger of Iran's threats. I saw that the very men sent to prevent any outbreaks of war between Israel & Hezbollah are Israel's enemies & are right in position to turn on her like a snake. These are the Most dangerous times EVER Before in OUR Nations History I am fully in agreement with a dear Bro in Christ ,Time is running out, there is not much time left at all. TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION,TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE,GOD COULD REQUIRE YOUR SOUL THIS VERY NIGHT & WITHOUT CHRIST AS YOUR SAVIOR JOHN3:3, YOU WILL NOT SEE HEAVEN,BUT HELL,GET RIGHT WITH GOD BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE.Contact me JoanLady777@Yahoo.com and Lady4Emmanuel@aol.com you can leave comments on tbis page as well.
Mood: hopeful
Friday, May 18, 2012
Thursday, October 2, 2008
God Warns,Take your hands off Israel
warning from God, Take your hands off from Israel.........says the Lord
During prayer back in 1999,God spoke to me;He said"there are many pestelence already in the USA, He said, they are everywhere & Nobody Knows who or where they are(so by this, we know He is speaking of Terrorists)He said,they are already doing their dirty deeds,that they will plant canisters everywhere throughout the USA, all undetected by anyone,He then said Nuclear & Germs. He said, they will go off simultaniously everwhere & we will not be able to keep up w. the catastrophies. Millions will die.He said, there will be war on USA soil. I then saw in the Spirit, thousands upon thousands running on fire, skin falling off. God said ( Nuclear) I then saw a very long bridge go down, it was red, God said, Nuclear;***** following the vision I had a night vision, walking across a long bridge in Mass. it was Red, very peaceful , beautiful calm water & skyline/ Next day on the news was the same water & skyline(NYC) There will be major catastrophic events in both places , God also said Cali is going down.Detroit,Great Lakes.South;***** God is going to cause a major shaking of the USA for all her disobedience unto God(God said the whole world, not JUST the Usa ,God said,the money market will crash, everything around you will crumble,be nomore, where will your eyes be? onto your money?your possessions?self? or onto Me & things above? for allowing all the abominations against Him ,bowing to another god(satan)
*************causing Israel to give away God's land***********************************
and pushing Israel into giving land away ; LOOK 70 xs they say the world went against Israel, ea time either at the same time of going against her or w. in 24 hrs , were natural disasters by God.(earthquakes & floods , huricanes .)10/30/91 Bush sr. after Gulf war Madrid peace process (israel) immediately was the most powerful storm in N Atlantic against the Presidents home in Main 30' waves over his home. then the madrid peace process for Israel moved to Washington DC , Aug.23.1992 Hurricane Andrew worse ever at that time to ever hit the USA Katrina.& Gaza (same time)USA & Rice pressured Israel to let the land go Katrina Aug.23:05 Katrina hit as the last Jewish settler was forcibally reemoved from Gaza,Israel , & govt. ( I sat watched & cried)JUDGMENT...WARNINGS.....REPENT .
***********we always have stood by Israel, until.............hmmmmmmmm********************
America has been upheld by God because we have always helped Israel(NOW the USA will very well suffer cataclymisic natural disasters, ( stock market crash? Terrorists?,USA NOT AS BEFORE nomore. In the Week prior to 911,Pres. said,we'd recognize palestine as a state,(Sept.23 rd.2001; 911 at the same time., and we are at war right now w, Israel's enemies.Who are now our enemies as well. 70 events , against Israel , either at the same moment or w, in 24 hrs ;natural catastrophies from God .USA now at a crossroad,Govt & Pres, interfering w. God's plan (Gaza)if we do not stop,
***************stop forcing Israel***************************************************
God will move against the USA & force us to stop / We must help Israel & STOP Ahmadinejad, Iran needs to be stopped not Israel.President Bush did tell Iran if they attack Israel , we will help Israel./One safe pl. for the Jewish people is With God of abraham,isaac & Jacob in the Messiah, Yeshuah(Jesus the Lord , our redeemer & Savior & Once & for all sacrifice.1Cor.5:7,(Israel knows,she must strike Iran first, she is in a corner now,and has no other alternative but to attack first,...a major war will break out in the middle east....there will be a peace plan....saints, look up, it is drawing nigh....
God is speaking now, Beware,as you come against Israel, causing her to divide, says the Lord, I too will divide your nation,I will split your nation up says the Lord...Beware a Mighty Storm is coming
prepare My People says the Lord(This word is spoken this morning; June 15,'09;so rather then do a new Blog,(add on) as God has spoken this before, only Now He is really angry,and wants that you are warned.
Once God speaks a word again, it is coming closer, God wants that you know...because they have done away with Him,rejected Christ Jesus ,God's Son,major major events will come against this nation.Thus saith the Lord, you have forsaken the altar, once you have forsaken the altar & calling unto Me, everything around you is going down, says the Lord..You cannot stand with out Me says the Lord.Your safety & direction is in Me says the Lord.So, you have lost all of your direction now, says the Lord.Now says the Lord, you will see signs in the heavens...My people shall not fear, for they know this time is now, and what is coming...Time is so short now says the Lord,this is urgent)I am saddened says the Lord,that you refuse My extended hand unto you, to save you through My Son, Christ Jesus and His Shed Blood.God is weeping for you now,God does not want that you are lost & die in the grave, hell & the lake..God takes no pleasure in any soul that goes to hell...Because you turn away from Me and My Holy Scriptures, you turn your back on Me,denying My very being,rejecting My Son..and as you also Move against Israel,causing her to split...My Hand is against you says the Lord, for this . I tell you says the Lord;a mighty storm and the earth will open & the very heavens shall be shaken.I will split you right down the very center says the Lord.Warn My people,says the Lord...be prepared against this storm I shall do to the earth,have plenty of water,non perishable foods,an outdoor grill,can openers,medications,animal foods,first aid kits, enough for a few months says the Lord, be prepared to help others, and do not fear, not one hair on your heads shall be harmed, as your faith is in Me & your eyes are fixed upon Me & you have not forsaken My Altar.Now says the Lord, I will bring down many churches where leaven has crept in,I will bring down the false teachers/pastors,teaching leaven ,corruption...to the lost says the Lord..BUT says the Lord, I also will replace them with the New Wine,brand new hearts on fire for Me says the Lord....Soon you will see this, and know that I alone, am God...I will do this says the Lord...There will be a mighty fire in MY Churches now, says the Lord...Everything is going to change now says the Lord...Nomore will you not teach of my blessings & cursings, nor about sin,death,hell, the grave and everlasting destruction....They will speak My Truth now says the Lord...and many will flood to the churches now, to become One with Me says the Lord.this is the fammine for My Word you will soon see.........I warned you before of this, you mock my Prophets,you mock My Very Word,Now says the Lord....a CHANGE is coming, a MIGHTY storm, and a great change in My Churches.........My children will be on fire for Me says the Lord, and you will not be able to quieten them says the Lord.I tell you says the Lord....take your hands off from my land,Israel..do not come against her .As you move against her, My hand will move against you, says the Lord.
******************ONE COVENANT***********************************************
There is ONE Covenant ( The New Covenant Gentiles & Jews as One New Man Israel, Repent & confess in the name of Yeshuah(Jesus) and be saved. USA has bowed to another god,doing away with Puiblic prayer(they do not acknowledge God anymore...they did away with HIS 10 commandments for us to live by,,Deut.7:9 we are to Keep His commandments to a thousand generations(THIS means..(FOREVER) Lev.26 there are penalties for the disobedient unto God.........do not try to replace God in the old test ,w/Jesus in the New Test...(They are ONE in the same Spirit ....John4:24 God is spirit Col.1:15 invisible/ 1tim.3:16 God was manifested in the flesh(Jesus) and John1:1-14 the Word(Rev.19:13 Jesus' name is the Word, WAS GOD and became flesh(Jesus) 1cor.5:7 became our once & for all sacrifice & 2Cor.5:19 the Father was in the Son, reconciling the World back unto Himself. The Body ( of Christ the Son & Messiah) is our Once & for all sacrifice, the perfect Lamb of God, pure & spotless for you & for me.God is GOD from Gen thru Rev..(Deut.4:13) and Jesus did not destroy the law of Moses,(((the New Test. does not contradict the Old test., rather the New fulfills the spiritual intention of the law))); SEE the Law degenerated into legalism w. the pharisees,*****Jesus took the law beyond the outward observance to the inner spiritual intention of God(Matt.5:17)Jesus Gave 2 (NEW) commandments, He NEVER said, to replace the old ones that I made in EX.20...NONONO, if you go by these 2 commandments(loving your neighbor(everyone)with all of your heart as your self & loving God with all of your heart............then, certainly;you will not break the rest of God's commands,judgments,statutes,ordinances.
**************ALL HAVE DONE AWAY WITH GOD,BEWARE***************************
They did away with Public prayer,they do not want any crosses worn or displayed anywhere,No more mentioning Jesus in public and they now want to do away with God's name, (Most Holy Father God, our creator, our very life for in Him do we live ,move & have our being Acts.17:28 .They commit what all is an abomination to God,forbidden by Him (see Lev.18 God's standards for us to live by,Lev.19 God teaches how to live w. Holiness in our personal conduct, SEE the consequences for disobedience unto God Lev.20 Deut.28 & Deut.27:11/*******You cannot do away with God & His Word!!! Gal.3:24 the law is what brought us to God(how can you know God without reading His Word for you?...*******1Tim.1:9 the Law is for sinners,How will you know right from wrong without Father God & His Word & His ways?IMPOSSIBLE. SEE Rom.1:24-32 & Lev.18:22 & 1Cor.6:9 & Gal.5:19-21 (abominations to God and Lev.26;(GOD IS THE SAME GOD FROM GEN. THRU REVELATION,SPIRIT JOHN4:24 BECAME FLESH 1TIM.3:16 & JOHN1:1-14) CHANGED NONE OF HIS PREVIOUS SPOKEN WORD, JUST NOMORE SACRIFICE .HE PAID IT ALL!!!!...EX.3:13-15&DEUT.32:39 GOD SAID, "I AM HE"(NO BEGINNING NO END) SEE JOHN8:24 ,JESUS SAID, IF YOU DO NOT BELIEVE THAT "I AM HE" YOU WILL DIE IN YOUR SINS.
Jer.18:7 God said, in an instant,I shall Speak concerning a nation(a people)to Pluck it up & pull it down & to destroy it, IF they Repent of their evil ,then I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them. PSALM148:8 Fire,Hail,snow,rain,stormy winds are fulfilling God's Word********** This is pointed out to you, so you comprehend GOD & His Word & the last days,where His wrath will be poured out over all nations (peoples) who have discarded God & His Word, (ARMAGEDDON)
***********ABORTION IS MURDER OF GOD'S HERITAGE**************************
THE USA(all nations) murders millions of unborn babies ,(God's heritage) made in His image .(Lev.17:11 Life is in the Blood)!! Lev.18:1-27 sacrifice of children is nothing new, it is from the beginning(does not make it right)America murders millions of unborn babies , and their Blood cries out from the land to God Ex.21:22 if you cause the fruit of the womb to depart from her (Life for Life),it is a living soul & recognized by God Is.49:1 the Lord called him from the womb!! Jer.1:4,5 God said, I knew you before you were formed in your mother's womb(HOW SO?**************BECAUSE YOU ARE SPIRIT IN HIS IMAGE(GOD IS SPIRIT JOHN4:24,when a seed is forming in the womb, it already has a spirit and is known by God. 1Cor.6:19,20/ God is angered by all of this and He will pour out His wrath over our very nation.******* God forbids being in agreement w. the sin and they who do agree w. them will be punished in the same manner see rom.1:32. God said, He will use the evil of this world to destroy , He said,He will Hsssss & they will come from the ends of the world to kill & destroy. *****(Do not forget Germany,appears to be sitting quietly by,Beware EU,Iran,oh Beware.
***************word from God************************************************8
God said, they have no respect whatsoever for life,and they will walk right up to Dignitaries & shoot them square in their face, not fearing any consequences, USA will see such wicked un heard of violence ,Never even thought of before , right here in the USA & God said, there will be war on the USA soil.Everything will crumble all around you says the Lord,The Lord is saying, Do Not Forget Me ***** if you are reading these words/visions,God has drawn you ,because He wants that you know these things,
*******THAT He is God & That He wants that you hear or read the truth & believe God & receive Christ as your Savior. God takes no pleasure in any soul that is in unbelief & un repentant & goes to hell, God wants that all come to believe Him & receive Christ as Lord over your life, Just believe God & repent away from sins unto Christ Luke13:3, if you do not turn from sins, you(your soul will perish in hell & the Lake of fire Mark9:45,46 & Rev.20:10-14, nobody has to go to hell, and God sends Nobody to hell, the unbeliever & unrepentant send themselves to hell(if you are born again ,(new spirit in Christ)cleansed by His Soul cleansing Blood,heb.9:11-15 and sealed with His Spirit eph.1:13,14 and your earth body dies...Jesus receives you (your born again Spirit) to everlasting life John14:2,3, He said, where He is there you are too!!!(This is resurrection to everlasting life)OR if you are His (in the way described here) and are alive here on earth when He comes for us (His Church/Bride then you will be caught up ( or raptured)1thess.4:13-14)!!!There are only 2 destinations either heaven(New Jerusalem) or Hell, no inbetween , Jesus said, either you are with Me or against Me. (I have other Blogs,teaching you how to be born again.Just click on them ,ea subject on my AIM profile page , (My AIM profile page is: You can e-mail me JoanLady777@Yahoo.com or Lady4emmanuel@aol.com Let's talk!!! I will be very happy to answer your questions & help in anyway that I can.
Ahmadnejad ,the leader of Iran , said, he is under divine command from allah to bring about the end time war ,to hasten the coming of THEIR MESSIAH, who will destroy us & Israel (all who will not convert to Islam)and will save them....BE AWARE HERE........they want to be in control of the entire World, You have heard of One world Religion?(last days) One world Govt. (last days)One World Bank(last days)(He says this will happen the end of March)The Beast Has crept in wanting to do away with almighty God, doing away with our Once & for all Sacrifice,can't mention His Holy & Mighty Name,lifting up other gods & other false doctrines.....
*******.America America why have you so become the sleeping Giant?The Lord is saying, Do Not Forget Me,Ever, if you are ashamed of Me I too will be ashamed of you ; BEWARE of last days leading to ARMAGEDDON, do not be left behind, do NOT be caught DEAD with out Christ as your Savior.
**************israel wake up****************************************************
****Israel is looking for her Messiah(not Jesus) but another Messiah, so they too will be deceived by Anti Christ.and there is a Messianic presence in Iran!!!!!! ( THINK) ........Pray for Israel ,we know 144,000 will be saved during Great Tribulation(after we are gone (The Church,Bride)1Thess.4:16,17 & Rev.3:10 these are not just saved out of Israel alone, NOW I want you to SEE with your spiritual eyes,not to look at the physical.........SEE, do not just observe the physical........
**********see & hear with your spiritual eyes & ears what God says************************
*******God says in His Word, many are in israel and are not of Israel or are not Israel,,,,,now lets examine Rom.2:28,29 a True Jew is one inwardly & not outwardly!!!circumcision is of the HEART and not of the flesh(Born again Bible believing Christians abiding in Christ , have crucified their flesh(dying to all lusts & desires of the flesh ,dead to this world alive unto God in Christ......(True Jews inwardly)I am pointing out the spirutal Word of God to you.,so you can SEE & not OBSERVE. Just look w. your physical eyes.SO you can see Israel belongs to God in Christ Jesus; same as Physical jerusalem is in bondage to the Law while New Jerusalem from above is free (2peter3:3-13 )and Rev.21&22;which is spiritual not Physical. Same as the Law became spirutal (new covenant written in our hearts & minds)born again believers in Christ. Same as the old test Temple is physical, while the new Test Temple is all born again believers in Christ 1Cor.3:16 we are the temple of God & He dwells in us.....The temple will be rebuilt....BUT it is for an end time sign............
ALL who will come to believe & receive Jesus Christ , will be saved.Out of all nations ( sinners (THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL), which are Gentiles, lost sinners in this World without Christ,EVERYWHERE.
*******(ISRAEL IS GOD'S TIME CLOCK!!EVERYTHING SPOKEN BY GOD HAPPENS THERE 1ST AND FOR A SIGN!!!!SPIRITUAL SIGN A SPIRITUAL REVELATION HERE.(all who will come to believe & be born again in Christ John3:3 & Eph.1:7 & Rev.3:20 will be saved EVERYWHERE!! Look at *******1Peter2:SEE v.9 WE are a Chosen Generation, a royal Priesthood,a Holy Nation,we offer up sacrifices of praise for He has brought us out of darkness into the LIGHT of HIS SON,Jesus Christ. This is to get your eyes off the physical , unto SOULS (Life) unto Christ, unto the Spiritual and NOT the Physical. *********
**************Night Vision from God*********************************************
In a Night Vision Christmas Eve '06 , was an angel bowing down towards our convoy going into middle east,arms outstreatched towards the convoy & he was crying so hard his face was all squenched up,as I woke up, I felt all this sadness, & I was crying,it was so bad I inquired of God,WHAT DID THE VISION MEAN? What came up from my Spirit (STOP ,GO BACK, YOU ALREADY HAVE GONE TOO FAR.) GOD BROUGHT TO MY MEMORY THOUSANDS RUNNING ON FIRE,SKIN FALLING OFF ( NUCLEAR) SO IN MY SPIRIT , I feel as we go into middle East, our guys may meet up w, Nuclear Holocoust or nuclear war. in all of the years I have had visions,I have learned,black & white visions do not have to happen,prayer can change things(this vision was Black & White)it more then likely will happen...thus saith the Lord...but if My People who are called by My Name will humble themselves ,repent & pray,amen???***
*********america will not be the same***fall of '08 word was spoken
God has pointed out to me, things are changing for our nation...There is a dark presence in our nation who will cause gay marriages to be allowed, allow Partial Birth abortion, and open up the borders.fulfilled,Pres. Obama,The Lord is saying, there will be a change,Cali stopped same sex marriagesbut it will not do away with the fact, the entire World is as Sodom & Gomorrah,the USA will not be as it was before, God is saying, I am a Jealous God, and there will be no other gods before Me,They defile My Holy Name,reject My Word,My ordinances,statutes,judgments & commandments,saying I am No More, for this ,says the Lord, I will do a mighty & great shaking, earth quakes in such great magnitude & so numerous,They will know it is I , the Lord God of heaven & earth whom they reject, and says the Lord, many will perish ,but many will also come to believe & be saved.........for this cause I will do this great shaking,says the Lord We are Living in dangerous times I TELL YOU,GOD said, and the World will be in SHOCK.everything will crumble before our very eyes..sept.08...........any more men going to the middle east is suicide, we never ignore angelic warnings. THE OUTCOME IS DEEPLY SORROWFUL.(The Vision was Black & White(Not Good) and was lit up White(Not Good & a sure true vision)(BUT,Black & White Visions can change(with Prayer) God said, Syria is a snake,Russia the head, the Arab nations , the body, that there lies the abyss*****Israel is MORE then Prepared, Iran does not know if she is or not & just is not sure what to do or not to do.....................God is in Control..............Israel will strike Iran, Even the EU is in danger of Iran's threats. I saw that the very men sent to prevent any outbreaks of war between Israel & Hezbollah are Israel's enemies & are right in position to turn on her like a snake.Israel,pushed into a corner,trapped if you will,will have no other alternative but to strike her enemy next door,phillistines have always been her enemy,and she gave My Land to them,says the Lord;it is time to retaliate says the Lord,and says the Lord, Time is Short,she did strike against hamas & hezbollah,fulfilled This War, IS the end time war, it will lead into Armageddon.....There can never ever be any peace without Jesus Christ ;He is the Prince of Peace(No Jesus,No Peace,Know Jesus,Know Peace)!!amen
******* These are the Most dangerous times EVER Before in OUR Nations History I am fully in agreement with a dear Bro in Christ ,Time is running out, there is not much time left at all. TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION,TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE,GOD COULD REQUIRE YOUR SOUL THIS VERY NIGHT & WITHOUT CHRIST AS YOUR SAVIOR JOHN3:3, YOU WILL NOT SEE HEAVEN,BUT HELL,GET RIGHT WITH GOD BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE.Contact me JoanLady777@Yahoo.com and Lady4Emmanuel@aol.com you can leave comments on this page as well.blog links http://www.bebo.com/Lady4emmanuel
During prayer back in 1999,God spoke to me;He said"there are many pestelence already in the USA, He said, they are everywhere & Nobody Knows who or where they are(so by this, we know He is speaking of Terrorists)He said,they are already doing their dirty deeds,that they will plant canisters everywhere throughout the USA, all undetected by anyone,He then said Nuclear & Germs. He said, they will go off simultaniously everwhere & we will not be able to keep up w. the catastrophies. Millions will die.He said, there will be war on USA soil. I then saw in the Spirit, thousands upon thousands running on fire, skin falling off. God said ( Nuclear) I then saw a very long bridge go down, it was red, God said, Nuclear;***** following the vision I had a night vision, walking across a long bridge in Mass. it was Red, very peaceful , beautiful calm water & skyline/ Next day on the news was the same water & skyline(NYC) There will be major catastrophic events in both places , God also said Cali is going down.Detroit,Great Lakes.South;***** God is going to cause a major shaking of the USA for all her disobedience unto God(God said the whole world, not JUST the Usa ,God said,the money market will crash, everything around you will crumble,be nomore, where will your eyes be? onto your money?your possessions?self? or onto Me & things above? for allowing all the abominations against Him ,bowing to another god(satan)
*************causing Israel to give away God's land***********************************
and pushing Israel into giving land away ; LOOK 70 xs they say the world went against Israel, ea time either at the same time of going against her or w. in 24 hrs , were natural disasters by God.(earthquakes & floods , huricanes .)10/30/91 Bush sr. after Gulf war Madrid peace process (israel) immediately was the most powerful storm in N Atlantic against the Presidents home in Main 30' waves over his home. then the madrid peace process for Israel moved to Washington DC , Aug.23.1992 Hurricane Andrew worse ever at that time to ever hit the USA Katrina.& Gaza (same time)USA & Rice pressured Israel to let the land go Katrina Aug.23:05 Katrina hit as the last Jewish settler was forcibally reemoved from Gaza,Israel , & govt. ( I sat watched & cried)JUDGMENT...WARNINGS.....REPENT .
***********we always have stood by Israel, until.............hmmmmmmmm********************
America has been upheld by God because we have always helped Israel(NOW the USA will very well suffer cataclymisic natural disasters, ( stock market crash? Terrorists?,USA NOT AS BEFORE nomore. In the Week prior to 911,Pres. said,we'd recognize palestine as a state,(Sept.23 rd.2001; 911 at the same time., and we are at war right now w, Israel's enemies.Who are now our enemies as well. 70 events , against Israel , either at the same moment or w, in 24 hrs ;natural catastrophies from God .USA now at a crossroad,Govt & Pres, interfering w. God's plan (Gaza)if we do not stop,
***************stop forcing Israel***************************************************
God will move against the USA & force us to stop / We must help Israel & STOP Ahmadinejad, Iran needs to be stopped not Israel.President Bush did tell Iran if they attack Israel , we will help Israel./One safe pl. for the Jewish people is With God of abraham,isaac & Jacob in the Messiah, Yeshuah(Jesus the Lord , our redeemer & Savior & Once & for all sacrifice.1Cor.5:7,(Israel knows,she must strike Iran first, she is in a corner now,and has no other alternative but to attack first,...a major war will break out in the middle east....there will be a peace plan....saints, look up, it is drawing nigh....
God is speaking now, Beware,as you come against Israel, causing her to divide, says the Lord, I too will divide your nation,I will split your nation up says the Lord...Beware a Mighty Storm is coming
prepare My People says the Lord(This word is spoken this morning; June 15,'09;so rather then do a new Blog,(add on) as God has spoken this before, only Now He is really angry,and wants that you are warned.
Once God speaks a word again, it is coming closer, God wants that you know...because they have done away with Him,rejected Christ Jesus ,God's Son,major major events will come against this nation.Thus saith the Lord, you have forsaken the altar, once you have forsaken the altar & calling unto Me, everything around you is going down, says the Lord..You cannot stand with out Me says the Lord.Your safety & direction is in Me says the Lord.So, you have lost all of your direction now, says the Lord.Now says the Lord, you will see signs in the heavens...My people shall not fear, for they know this time is now, and what is coming...Time is so short now says the Lord,this is urgent)I am saddened says the Lord,that you refuse My extended hand unto you, to save you through My Son, Christ Jesus and His Shed Blood.God is weeping for you now,God does not want that you are lost & die in the grave, hell & the lake..God takes no pleasure in any soul that goes to hell...Because you turn away from Me and My Holy Scriptures, you turn your back on Me,denying My very being,rejecting My Son..and as you also Move against Israel,causing her to split...My Hand is against you says the Lord, for this . I tell you says the Lord;a mighty storm and the earth will open & the very heavens shall be shaken.I will split you right down the very center says the Lord.Warn My people,says the Lord...be prepared against this storm I shall do to the earth,have plenty of water,non perishable foods,an outdoor grill,can openers,medications,animal foods,first aid kits, enough for a few months says the Lord, be prepared to help others, and do not fear, not one hair on your heads shall be harmed, as your faith is in Me & your eyes are fixed upon Me & you have not forsaken My Altar.Now says the Lord, I will bring down many churches where leaven has crept in,I will bring down the false teachers/pastors,teaching leaven ,corruption...to the lost says the Lord..BUT says the Lord, I also will replace them with the New Wine,brand new hearts on fire for Me says the Lord....Soon you will see this, and know that I alone, am God...I will do this says the Lord...There will be a mighty fire in MY Churches now, says the Lord...Everything is going to change now says the Lord...Nomore will you not teach of my blessings & cursings, nor about sin,death,hell, the grave and everlasting destruction....They will speak My Truth now says the Lord...and many will flood to the churches now, to become One with Me says the Lord.this is the fammine for My Word you will soon see.........I warned you before of this, you mock my Prophets,you mock My Very Word,Now says the Lord....a CHANGE is coming, a MIGHTY storm, and a great change in My Churches.........My children will be on fire for Me says the Lord, and you will not be able to quieten them says the Lord.I tell you says the Lord....take your hands off from my land,Israel..do not come against her .As you move against her, My hand will move against you, says the Lord.
******************ONE COVENANT***********************************************
There is ONE Covenant ( The New Covenant Gentiles & Jews as One New Man Israel, Repent & confess in the name of Yeshuah(Jesus) and be saved. USA has bowed to another god,doing away with Puiblic prayer(they do not acknowledge God anymore...they did away with HIS 10 commandments for us to live by,,Deut.7:9 we are to Keep His commandments to a thousand generations(THIS means..(FOREVER) Lev.26 there are penalties for the disobedient unto God.........do not try to replace God in the old test ,w/Jesus in the New Test...(They are ONE in the same Spirit ....John4:24 God is spirit Col.1:15 invisible/ 1tim.3:16 God was manifested in the flesh(Jesus) and John1:1-14 the Word(Rev.19:13 Jesus' name is the Word, WAS GOD and became flesh(Jesus) 1cor.5:7 became our once & for all sacrifice & 2Cor.5:19 the Father was in the Son, reconciling the World back unto Himself. The Body ( of Christ the Son & Messiah) is our Once & for all sacrifice, the perfect Lamb of God, pure & spotless for you & for me.God is GOD from Gen thru Rev..(Deut.4:13) and Jesus did not destroy the law of Moses,(((the New Test. does not contradict the Old test., rather the New fulfills the spiritual intention of the law))); SEE the Law degenerated into legalism w. the pharisees,*****Jesus took the law beyond the outward observance to the inner spiritual intention of God(Matt.5:17)Jesus Gave 2 (NEW) commandments, He NEVER said, to replace the old ones that I made in EX.20...NONONO, if you go by these 2 commandments(loving your neighbor(everyone)with all of your heart as your self & loving God with all of your heart............then, certainly;you will not break the rest of God's commands,judgments,statutes,ordinances.
**************ALL HAVE DONE AWAY WITH GOD,BEWARE***************************
They did away with Public prayer,they do not want any crosses worn or displayed anywhere,No more mentioning Jesus in public and they now want to do away with God's name, (Most Holy Father God, our creator, our very life for in Him do we live ,move & have our being Acts.17:28 .They commit what all is an abomination to God,forbidden by Him (see Lev.18 God's standards for us to live by,Lev.19 God teaches how to live w. Holiness in our personal conduct, SEE the consequences for disobedience unto God Lev.20 Deut.28 & Deut.27:11/*******You cannot do away with God & His Word!!! Gal.3:24 the law is what brought us to God(how can you know God without reading His Word for you?...*******1Tim.1:9 the Law is for sinners,How will you know right from wrong without Father God & His Word & His ways?IMPOSSIBLE. SEE Rom.1:24-32 & Lev.18:22 & 1Cor.6:9 & Gal.5:19-21 (abominations to God and Lev.26;(GOD IS THE SAME GOD FROM GEN. THRU REVELATION,SPIRIT JOHN4:24 BECAME FLESH 1TIM.3:16 & JOHN1:1-14) CHANGED NONE OF HIS PREVIOUS SPOKEN WORD, JUST NOMORE SACRIFICE .HE PAID IT ALL!!!!...EX.3:13-15&DEUT.32:39 GOD SAID, "I AM HE"(NO BEGINNING NO END) SEE JOHN8:24 ,JESUS SAID, IF YOU DO NOT BELIEVE THAT "I AM HE" YOU WILL DIE IN YOUR SINS.
Jer.18:7 God said, in an instant,I shall Speak concerning a nation(a people)to Pluck it up & pull it down & to destroy it, IF they Repent of their evil ,then I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them. PSALM148:8 Fire,Hail,snow,rain,stormy winds are fulfilling God's Word********** This is pointed out to you, so you comprehend GOD & His Word & the last days,where His wrath will be poured out over all nations (peoples) who have discarded God & His Word, (ARMAGEDDON)
***********ABORTION IS MURDER OF GOD'S HERITAGE**************************
THE USA(all nations) murders millions of unborn babies ,(God's heritage) made in His image .(Lev.17:11 Life is in the Blood)!! Lev.18:1-27 sacrifice of children is nothing new, it is from the beginning(does not make it right)America murders millions of unborn babies , and their Blood cries out from the land to God Ex.21:22 if you cause the fruit of the womb to depart from her (Life for Life),it is a living soul & recognized by God Is.49:1 the Lord called him from the womb!! Jer.1:4,5 God said, I knew you before you were formed in your mother's womb(HOW SO?**************BECAUSE YOU ARE SPIRIT IN HIS IMAGE(GOD IS SPIRIT JOHN4:24,when a seed is forming in the womb, it already has a spirit and is known by God. 1Cor.6:19,20/ God is angered by all of this and He will pour out His wrath over our very nation.******* God forbids being in agreement w. the sin and they who do agree w. them will be punished in the same manner see rom.1:32. God said, He will use the evil of this world to destroy , He said,He will Hsssss & they will come from the ends of the world to kill & destroy. *****(Do not forget Germany,appears to be sitting quietly by,Beware EU,Iran,oh Beware.
***************word from God************************************************8
God said, they have no respect whatsoever for life,and they will walk right up to Dignitaries & shoot them square in their face, not fearing any consequences, USA will see such wicked un heard of violence ,Never even thought of before , right here in the USA & God said, there will be war on the USA soil.Everything will crumble all around you says the Lord,The Lord is saying, Do Not Forget Me ***** if you are reading these words/visions,God has drawn you ,because He wants that you know these things,
*******THAT He is God & That He wants that you hear or read the truth & believe God & receive Christ as your Savior. God takes no pleasure in any soul that is in unbelief & un repentant & goes to hell, God wants that all come to believe Him & receive Christ as Lord over your life, Just believe God & repent away from sins unto Christ Luke13:3, if you do not turn from sins, you(your soul will perish in hell & the Lake of fire Mark9:45,46 & Rev.20:10-14, nobody has to go to hell, and God sends Nobody to hell, the unbeliever & unrepentant send themselves to hell(if you are born again ,(new spirit in Christ)cleansed by His Soul cleansing Blood,heb.9:11-15 and sealed with His Spirit eph.1:13,14 and your earth body dies...Jesus receives you (your born again Spirit) to everlasting life John14:2,3, He said, where He is there you are too!!!(This is resurrection to everlasting life)OR if you are His (in the way described here) and are alive here on earth when He comes for us (His Church/Bride then you will be caught up ( or raptured)1thess.4:13-14)!!!There are only 2 destinations either heaven(New Jerusalem) or Hell, no inbetween , Jesus said, either you are with Me or against Me. (I have other Blogs,teaching you how to be born again.Just click on them ,ea subject on my AIM profile page , (My AIM profile page is: You can e-mail me JoanLady777@Yahoo.com or Lady4emmanuel@aol.com Let's talk!!! I will be very happy to answer your questions & help in anyway that I can.
Ahmadnejad ,the leader of Iran , said, he is under divine command from allah to bring about the end time war ,to hasten the coming of THEIR MESSIAH, who will destroy us & Israel (all who will not convert to Islam)and will save them....BE AWARE HERE........they want to be in control of the entire World, You have heard of One world Religion?(last days) One world Govt. (last days)One World Bank(last days)(He says this will happen the end of March)The Beast Has crept in wanting to do away with almighty God, doing away with our Once & for all Sacrifice,can't mention His Holy & Mighty Name,lifting up other gods & other false doctrines.....
*******.America America why have you so become the sleeping Giant?The Lord is saying, Do Not Forget Me,Ever, if you are ashamed of Me I too will be ashamed of you ; BEWARE of last days leading to ARMAGEDDON, do not be left behind, do NOT be caught DEAD with out Christ as your Savior.
**************israel wake up****************************************************
****Israel is looking for her Messiah(not Jesus) but another Messiah, so they too will be deceived by Anti Christ.and there is a Messianic presence in Iran!!!!!! ( THINK) ........Pray for Israel ,we know 144,000 will be saved during Great Tribulation(after we are gone (The Church,Bride)1Thess.4:16,17 & Rev.3:10 these are not just saved out of Israel alone, NOW I want you to SEE with your spiritual eyes,not to look at the physical.........SEE, do not just observe the physical........
**********see & hear with your spiritual eyes & ears what God says************************
*******God says in His Word, many are in israel and are not of Israel or are not Israel,,,,,now lets examine Rom.2:28,29 a True Jew is one inwardly & not outwardly!!!circumcision is of the HEART and not of the flesh(Born again Bible believing Christians abiding in Christ , have crucified their flesh(dying to all lusts & desires of the flesh ,dead to this world alive unto God in Christ......(True Jews inwardly)I am pointing out the spirutal Word of God to you.,so you can SEE & not OBSERVE. Just look w. your physical eyes.SO you can see Israel belongs to God in Christ Jesus; same as Physical jerusalem is in bondage to the Law while New Jerusalem from above is free (2peter3:3-13 )and Rev.21&22;which is spiritual not Physical. Same as the Law became spirutal (new covenant written in our hearts & minds)born again believers in Christ. Same as the old test Temple is physical, while the new Test Temple is all born again believers in Christ 1Cor.3:16 we are the temple of God & He dwells in us.....The temple will be rebuilt....BUT it is for an end time sign............
ALL who will come to believe & receive Jesus Christ , will be saved.Out of all nations ( sinners (THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL), which are Gentiles, lost sinners in this World without Christ,EVERYWHERE.
*******(ISRAEL IS GOD'S TIME CLOCK!!EVERYTHING SPOKEN BY GOD HAPPENS THERE 1ST AND FOR A SIGN!!!!SPIRITUAL SIGN A SPIRITUAL REVELATION HERE.(all who will come to believe & be born again in Christ John3:3 & Eph.1:7 & Rev.3:20 will be saved EVERYWHERE!! Look at *******1Peter2:SEE v.9 WE are a Chosen Generation, a royal Priesthood,a Holy Nation,we offer up sacrifices of praise for He has brought us out of darkness into the LIGHT of HIS SON,Jesus Christ. This is to get your eyes off the physical , unto SOULS (Life) unto Christ, unto the Spiritual and NOT the Physical. *********
**************Night Vision from God*********************************************
In a Night Vision Christmas Eve '06 , was an angel bowing down towards our convoy going into middle east,arms outstreatched towards the convoy & he was crying so hard his face was all squenched up,as I woke up, I felt all this sadness, & I was crying,it was so bad I inquired of God,WHAT DID THE VISION MEAN? What came up from my Spirit (STOP ,GO BACK, YOU ALREADY HAVE GONE TOO FAR.) GOD BROUGHT TO MY MEMORY THOUSANDS RUNNING ON FIRE,SKIN FALLING OFF ( NUCLEAR) SO IN MY SPIRIT , I feel as we go into middle East, our guys may meet up w, Nuclear Holocoust or nuclear war. in all of the years I have had visions,I have learned,black & white visions do not have to happen,prayer can change things(this vision was Black & White)it more then likely will happen...thus saith the Lord...but if My People who are called by My Name will humble themselves ,repent & pray,amen???***
*********america will not be the same***fall of '08 word was spoken
God has pointed out to me, things are changing for our nation...There is a dark presence in our nation who will cause gay marriages to be allowed, allow Partial Birth abortion, and open up the borders.fulfilled,Pres. Obama,The Lord is saying, there will be a change,Cali stopped same sex marriagesbut it will not do away with the fact, the entire World is as Sodom & Gomorrah,the USA will not be as it was before, God is saying, I am a Jealous God, and there will be no other gods before Me,They defile My Holy Name,reject My Word,My ordinances,statutes,judgments & commandments,saying I am No More, for this ,says the Lord, I will do a mighty & great shaking, earth quakes in such great magnitude & so numerous,They will know it is I , the Lord God of heaven & earth whom they reject, and says the Lord, many will perish ,but many will also come to believe & be saved.........for this cause I will do this great shaking,says the Lord We are Living in dangerous times I TELL YOU,GOD said, and the World will be in SHOCK.everything will crumble before our very eyes..sept.08...........any more men going to the middle east is suicide, we never ignore angelic warnings. THE OUTCOME IS DEEPLY SORROWFUL.(The Vision was Black & White(Not Good) and was lit up White(Not Good & a sure true vision)(BUT,Black & White Visions can change(with Prayer) God said, Syria is a snake,Russia the head, the Arab nations , the body, that there lies the abyss*****Israel is MORE then Prepared, Iran does not know if she is or not & just is not sure what to do or not to do.....................God is in Control..............Israel will strike Iran, Even the EU is in danger of Iran's threats. I saw that the very men sent to prevent any outbreaks of war between Israel & Hezbollah are Israel's enemies & are right in position to turn on her like a snake.Israel,pushed into a corner,trapped if you will,will have no other alternative but to strike her enemy next door,phillistines have always been her enemy,and she gave My Land to them,says the Lord;it is time to retaliate says the Lord,and says the Lord, Time is Short,she did strike against hamas & hezbollah,fulfilled This War, IS the end time war, it will lead into Armageddon.....There can never ever be any peace without Jesus Christ ;He is the Prince of Peace(No Jesus,No Peace,Know Jesus,Know Peace)!!amen
******* These are the Most dangerous times EVER Before in OUR Nations History I am fully in agreement with a dear Bro in Christ ,Time is running out, there is not much time left at all. TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION,TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE,GOD COULD REQUIRE YOUR SOUL THIS VERY NIGHT & WITHOUT CHRIST AS YOUR SAVIOR JOHN3:3, YOU WILL NOT SEE HEAVEN,BUT HELL,GET RIGHT WITH GOD BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE.Contact me JoanLady777@Yahoo.com and Lady4Emmanuel@aol.com you can leave comments on this page as well.blog links http://www.bebo.com/Lady4emmanuel
Joan Rogers Prophet(ess)
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